2017 tavaszán futással, azaz terepfutással bővült az AlpinTeam egyesületünk. A már ismert Alpinbike Team, az AirborneClub és a SpiderClub filozófiával indítjuk el negyedik, Alpinrun szakosztályunkat. Szeretnénk létrehozni egy kis klubot, amely a futóboltunk köré szerveződő futókat, versenyzőket fogja össze.

Les crêtes Burdinale, 71km 1250hm, fastest race of 2016?

Les crêtes Burdinale, 71km 1250hm, fastest race of 2016?

Yeah, a trainingweek in the transasfalt brought me the high speed I need for the Belgian races J. No, just kidding. But, after being home and doing only some small recovery rides for a week, I felt like doing something a little faster, harder, better… So, when I heard the Burdinale had a new track and it was also with a groupstart, hmmm, time to test my recovery status :)

Les crêtes Burdinale, 71km 1250hm, fastest race of 2016?


Olala, start at 8.30, pft, alarm at 5.30, a man can suffer for his hobby… But, to be waken up for something you love, it’s no punishment! I arrived in time, incredible ;) , even had time to warm up for 5min before I started talking to old friends, so relaxed morning, good weather, time to go to work.

The start was a little hectic, but after 2kms, I could slowly get to the front. I think we were 4 riders a little ahead of the rest when we entered the first muddy climb. Here, the others had some difficulties and so I just kept my pace and got to 1st position. Once on the top, I didn’t accelerate, but the others didn’t come back. I the next single, the motorbiker who was leading dropped his bike, so I had to run to pass him + the trail up and I heard the others had returned just behind me. So, here I did accelerate and I was alone for the rest of the ride. Signs were perfect, roads fast, superfast. Around km 25, the hill-part started and I tried to find a good pace. My HF was still messed up (not recovered) and so I had to feel my limits. I was also out of drinks and so, on the 2nd refreshmentpoint, I had to  make a short stop. More good trails up to km 55 and from here the speed went up again with more flat fast tracks and asphalt. But, I wasn’t complaining  as, with my tired legs, this race was hard enough. In the last part, I stopped once more for another bottle and I also realized that riding without energyfood (my Hi5 stayed in the transalp under the wheels of a Romanian skoda octovia J ) was going to be hard, but I survived. I reached the finish in 1st spot, time for a small recovery, a shower and the podium for the biggest price of 2016: a 3L bottle chimay, jihaaaaa!!! (maybe this was a hint to go to the raid des sources in Chimay next weekend??)

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